Mobile Gallery Walls

Please use the form (below if on mobile) to request a quote for mobile gallery walls.

All of our walls are 4 ft x 8 ft. Every rental includes wall(s) setup at your location, delivery (see our service zone below), cleaning, pick up, and good vibes. Our drop-off and pick-up times for mobile gallery walls are from 9 AM - 6 PM daily.

Click here to see the Always Lucky Studio Service Area Map

We charge a mileage fee per mile. Our studio is located in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, so we will calculate the miles to and from our studio to your location.

Available add-ons

  • Adhered media

  • Canvas

  • Gallery lights

  • Live / Interactive art

  • Signature wall

  • Vinyl lettering

Rates for Mobile Gallery Walls

We charge per calendar day that the walls are in your possession. Quotes are good for one (1) calendar week upon receipt.

Approved Wall Uses
Our single-sided walls work best for galleries, pop-up events, and live and interactive art. Our double-sided walls are perfect to display works and divide rooms into multiple spaces.

In order to ensure everyone’s safety, our double-sided walls cannot be used for live art, interactive art, or anything else that would require people to touch the walls.

Outside of Mobile Gallery Walls Operating Hours Fee

Our mobile gallery wall operating hours are 9 AM - 6 PM, seven days a week. Need your walls dropped off or picked up outside of our operating hours? We got you covered for an additional 15% of said day’s total. All drop-offs and pick-ups outside of operating hours must be scheduled at the start of the hour (ie. 7 PM, 8 PM, etc.).

Onsite Consultation Fee

If you would like onsite consultation for your mobile gallery wall project / event, we charge $160 for three (3) hours.

Thank you for submitting your request!

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